Gudetama GudeGude Café!

♥ Listen: Gudetama theme song~!
♥ Read: Norwegian Wood – Haruki Murakami


(note: this post is a bit outdated because well this happened around last year, and I just had the time to edit my pictures and write things recently… so yeah…. ごめなさい!!!!)

In this blog post, I am going to write about a cafe that I went to during my last Winter/Spring trip to 日本 last year! Can you guys guess what it is? (Hint: it’s in the title of this post)


Related image

This Gudetama-themed café was a pop-up, winter-inspired café which serves up several fun, cute-looking dishes (surprisingly yummy!) as well as drinks that featured Gudetama doing something winter-related. Not only that, they also have a pop-up shop selling all things Gudetama! (I maaaaay have had a little shopping spree here) As this was a pop-up event, this café only opened from 12/8/2017 ’til 2/19/2018! You can see why I desperately needed to go there.

And so I did, dragging my youngest sister of 8 (whom I had brainwashed to kind of also like Gudetama. Needless to say I succeeded–my proudest achievement at being a big sister) and taking pics along the way with my trusty Digikame-san! ♥

So let’s start of with the place, mmkay? This winter-themed Gudetama cafe was held in “the guest カフェ&ディナー” in the Sapporo Parco. The cafe itself was decorated with Gudetama posters and other Gudetama trinkets. It also had TVs playing Gudetama cartoon clips so you won’t get bored while waiting for the food! The placemats were also cute, and we get to bring them back as souvenirs! >.<

Le sis waiting for the food to come (and for her sister to stop taking pictures already)
I may have spent my pocket money splurging on Gudetama stuffs

Then came the food! :3 We only ordered desserts and drinks because we just had our lunch at another restaurant. Here’s what we ordered:

Sapporo Gude Festival Lazy Short Cake! This was said to be inspired by the annual Sapporo Snow Festival.
This shortcake also comes with a mochi ice cream beside it (the mound of orange/white thing with the Gudetama face)
Some hot chocolate to warm up the winter day ♥
Be Lazy at Snow Dome Parfait! We also got to bring back the cute cup as a souvenir! ♥
The Gudetama cup contains Strawberry sauce that you can pour onto the parfait to enjoy it ♥
The dome is made of cotton candy, and the ice cream with the Gudetama face is actually sorbet! (I forgot the flavor of the sorbet, I think it’s mango? But it was geeewd)

Aren’t they just so cute??? It kinda made me a bit unwilling to eat it… TxT (But I must!) Usually the thing with character cafés is that even though the decorations are cute and definitely insta-worthy, the quality of the food sucks and comes across as being too overpriced. The food served in the Gudetama cafe (well at least the ones we’ve tried) are pretty good and definitely exceeded my expectations. Is it safe to say that the food served in the character cafés in Japan are pretty good? Hm, will need to do more research on this first. TIME TO GO BACK TO JAPAN!!! (Soon. Hopefully.)


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