Postcards from the Summer

♥ Listen: Jason Mraz – Better With You
♥ Read: Uprooted – Naomi Novik

*realizes that I haven’t posted anything for SUCH a long time*

Image result for remember me meme

How’s it going, folks? Hope y’all are doing great as I am! Before anything, since I’ve been away for quite some time, a quick update on what’s been happening into my life so far:

  • (Finally) graduated med school! You guys are looking at a freshly graduated Medical Doctor right here!
    Image result for gudetama doctor
  • Currently interning in a hospital, doing managerial stuffs. Learning so many new things and everyday’s been so fun! Deffo something different.
  • Had a blast during the summer holiday! (Pics will follow in this post!)
  • Got accepted into an MBA program in LA! Be moving to LA this December (in just a few more days)! Excited + worried at the same time! :s
    Image result for humans are complicated creatures
  • Couple of turbulences happening to my family and my love life, but hey, I managed so far :3

Aight, as the title states, I am going to post several pics that I took during my wonderful summer getaway! If needed, I’ll make an extra post or two on this! :3 

Hope you guys enjoyed it! (And click to enlarge!)

Hello from Lourdes ♥ 

Ayyy from Monte Carlo ♥

Guten Morgen, Germany & Austria ♥

Hi there, Greece ♥

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