Been a Year Since My Last Post…

♥ Listen: Oasis – Don’t Go Away
♥ Read: Currently not reading anything due to an overload of activities T_T

Hey guys! How you’ve all been? I do hope you’re all doing fine. It’s been a while since I posted anything in this space. Like my last post was in 2016 and–.

Wait, my last post was in 2016? *checks last post*

*checks calendar* ……. *realize it’s 2017 and it’s been a year since last post* (maybe a whole lot more than a year, since it’s already December)

My actual reaction:

OMG, I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES! It’s like I’m just too busy these days and I’m so tired like EVERY SINGLE DAY due to the overload of work and others and I also kinda didn’t know what to write about! (need urgent help to do my work, I’m so tired of all the work T_T) IT’S NOT LIKE I’M LAZY OKAY??? (Okay, maybe a bit lazy but I mean there were other reasons!)

Alright, so to make up for lost time, I’m just going to post some updates about what’s going on in my life and all those stuffs. Which is also a good thing for me too as it also helps me think back and reflect on my life so far and maybe learn a thing or two from this year. #omgimsowise SO! Let’s get down to business, shall we?

  1. I have grown a year older last March, and I am now trying my hardest to deny the fact that I’m going grow another year older this upcoming March. (Hoping that by denying I can somehow slow this aging process down or, even better, stop it altogether!) #clingingontofalsehope
  2. I’ve graduated Bachelor Degree and currently somewhat interning (“koas” as we call it) in hospitals to get that MD. (It’s going to end soon–I finish in March–so I’m quite happy about this~)
  3. Things haven’t been that easy lately–loads of mental breakdowns, depressive episodes, “stumbling blocks”–it was quite messy. But I’m holding on, got the best support system ever!
  4. On the other hand, I acquired loads of new friends along the way due to this interning thing! Most of them always fill my days with endless tummy-aching laughter–so grateful for them! :3
    my new baby ♥

    My new baby ♥

    Sony α6300 + Sony Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS ♥
    (I just got it in October and my God I’m so in love with this one ♥)

    Naturally, I HAD to post some first pics that I took with this baby! CHECK THIS OUT:


    OH, and the featured image in this post? You guessed it, I took it with my baby as well! More on those kind of pics in the upcoming posts! >.< (I’m still a newbie in photography, so feedbacks are always welcomed and definitely appreciated ♥)

So I guess this is it guys! This turned out to be quite a long post–thank you for not abandoning me in the first two or three sentences in this post and for staying til the end~♥ I promise I’ll try my best to post more often and not go on a hiatus or what-not for more than a year… T_T

I’ll talk to you soon! >.<

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